
Edward Hicks

Have you ever struggled to keep the expectations of others while walking your personal walk in the Light?  Have you ever been told something isn’t Christian or isn’t Quakerly, and you secretly thought that this was silly. Our two replicas of Edward Hicks paintings are representative of his effort to do just this. Edward Hicks…

Know Thyself

Who are you? When I went to pre-kindergarten my teacher would greet me saying, “Good morning, Joseph.” My response was “I’m not Joseph. I’m Obitron.” I imagine this was from many times watching Transformers on Saturday morning cartoons. I am not sure how long this went on, but it was definitely a story that was…

Good Vibrations

Many of us remember the Beach Boys “Good vibrations” song that was popular around the same time as “Turn, turn, turn.” “I’m picking up good vibrations”—Are you?  Are you creating good vibrations?  Our scripture tells us today, there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  That…

Creation in Travail

There are many different visions of the future. Sometimes the future seems fearful and we fear we are going towards a national dictatorship, and that there are wars and mangled lives and tortured souls in so many places in the world, we might not see any hope of peace to anchor ourselves for.  But these…

Restoring Hope

“In actions and in truth.”  Powerful words with the emphasis being on the last word today – Truth. But trust is hard to restore once lost.  Saying, “I’m sorry is not enough.”  You will have to see that I love you in action and in truth.             People in general have lost trust in humanity…