Sermons by Joe Tolton

Know Thyself

Who are you? When I went to pre-kindergarten my teacher would greet me saying, “Good morning, Joseph.” My response was “I’m not Joseph. I’m Obitron.” I imagine this was from many times watching Transformers on Saturday morning cartoons. I am not sure how long this went on, but it was definitely a story that was…

Love Conquers All

Of all the great things created by love and desire, know that you are the most extraordinary. You are more amazing than buildings and poems and paintings. You are chosen and have been chosen over and over and over again. Not just by your parents choosing to have a child, but by choosing what they want when they chose one another. Each time one of your ancestors looked at the other and saw something they wanted, they were choosing who you would be. They chose your hair color and eye color. They chose the size of your nose and shape of your jaw. They chose whether you are book smart or street smart. They chose your sense of humor. You are the collective choices of your ancestors beyond history, beyond when your ancestors could even speak. You are special. You are chosen

Abiding Joy

What does it mean for Christ’s joy to be in you? Have you ever heard a child laugh with pure joy? Have you seen a child’s smile when they are filled with joy? Before I came here, I worked as a sort of therapist called a Registered Behavior Technician or RBT. RBTs are behavior analysis…


Many of us this past Thursday stopped and took time to reflect on the good in our lives.  We stopped to do as God did during creation, to reflect and say that it was good.  It’s important that we take these times for sharing gratitude about the good in our world and our lives.  One…