
  • Ministry and Care

    Ministry and Care is responsible for the spiritual health of the Meeting and the vitality of its public ministry. The committee promotes vital Meetings for Worship by discerning, supporting and encouraging the health of worship including both programmed elements and open worship and by keeping the basic principles of Quaker worship before those attending. Its members encourage and support Friends seeking membership and recommend potential members to the Business Meeting after a process of discernment. They promote the development of leadership within the Meeting and give encouragement as needed and lovingly help those whose actions or attitudes cause concern. The committee serves the spiritual health of the Meeting. Contact Ministry and Care
  • Stewardship

    Stewardship is responsible for coordinating financial matters, insurance matters, contractual commitments, and the maintenance of buildings and properties owned by Klamath Falls Friends Church, Inc. It reviews expenses, anticipated needs and estimates funds needed, and encourages Friends to contribute equitable to meet the financial needs of the Meeting. The Stewardship Committee receives budget requests and assists the Treasurer in preparing the annual budget for timely presentation to the Business Meeting. They may also anticipate and consider special expenses and make recommendations to the Meeting as needed. Contact Stewardship
  • Peace and Social Concerns

    Peace and Social Concerns is responsible for ministries within the meeting around the issues of peace and social justice. The committee oversees the food pantry. They offer peace education in forms such as Peace Suppers for the wider meeting. The committee makes suggestions for concrete action on a regular basis to the Meeting including lobbying and other forms of activism. Anyone is eligible to join the committee, they just need to start attending the meetings. Contact Peace and Social Concerns