Living as the Road to Emmaus

You heard the story that Jay read to you from the Bible:  Two people, one named Cleopas, were walking on the dusty road between Jerusalem and Emmaus discussing what they have been through over the last two days beginning with Jusus’ arrest.  It is the Sunday we call Easter.  They have heard the accounts of the resurrection from others. Disciples say that the tomb is empty, and that Jesus is risen.  The women tell them that the tomb is empty, and it is guarded by angels, which they placated down to “visions.”  To them it seems that all of Jerusalem is talking about it. But it is the third day since the horrific execution of their leader, and even though there is all of this second hand knowledge that Jesus’ has indeed risen from the dead, they ignore  all of the evidence and focus on Jesus being tortured to death on the cross. In their minds he is still on the cross because they have been traumatized by it. To them Jesus is no longer the Messiah but a prophet because he didn’t stop the arrest or execution. 

So, Jesus comes and joins them on this road to Emmaus and walks with them from Jerusalem to Emmaus where they live.  They are looking down probably the whole way, and not knowing who they are walking with, but Jesus spends the seven-mile walk teaching the disciples about the prophets and how this Jesus fellow came to fulfill prophecy.

Then at the end of the journey, when they reach Emmaus, they invite Jesus to come in and dine with them, and when he has blessed the bread, they realize it is Jesus.

But what can we learn from this story to help us deal with trauma or to deal with people who have been traumatized?  To begin with, the trauma of what they have heard and possibly seen had them doubting their faith.   Doubting God or the existence of God is a normal reaction to trauma. Notice Jesus didn’t lecture them about how they should still believe in him.  He did not scold them for doubting.  He picked a neutral subject and calmly explained that subject to them.   Jesus was not argumentative, but focused on telling them other truths that they might be able to believe in.

It is not WRONG for anyone to have a gap in faith.  It is healthy at times to really examine our beliefs and discern if they make sense to us in the same way as before.  This small lapse in faith can lead to spiritual growth.

Jesus heard them saying, “That crucifixion was so horrific that it would have never happened to a Messiah,” and he gently helped them to hear that it was supposed to happen.  But he never invalidated what they were going through or told them not to feel their feelings. He focused on just being with them as a healing presence.  He didn’t try to fix them or shame them.  He walked with them.   What can we learn from this?

If we lose faith, it’s ok.  Lapses in faith happen, and Christ is still walking with us all the time whether we see him as a messiah or a prophet or just a person with us in this life.  This whole life is the road to Emmaus and it is normal for humans to be too distracted by the ups and downs of life to take the time it takes to discern faithful responses and feel God’s presence.  Growth takes some time to ponder.  Maybe that pondering starts with, “Well, what if I don’t believe any more” and ends with realizing there is a healing presence right beside you, all along.

We can also let it be normal for our family, friends or our kids to lose faith, and we can decide to be that quiet presence that just provides spiritual company and companionship, focused on being there.  Our duty is to walk with our neighbors, not to fix them, shame them or lecture them.  Sometimes loss of faith comes when life just doesn’t seem fair or just.  Most all people struggle with the idea that there is unfairness that is just random and that bad things happen to good people.  It is best to walk with others who are questioning and struggling, and sometimes the best answer to their search for balance is “I don’t know – You are right it isn’t fair.”  Validate their experiences and their feelings.

Be the kind of person people want to walk with during their spiritual journey.  Again, not because you have read the right books or have the best degree, but because you can be authentically yourself allowing them to be authentically themselves able to question anything they are led to question.

Sometimes that walking with others isn’t walking at all, but sitting with, just hanging out with someone who has experienced trauma.  When I lived in North Carolina I worked on restorative justice issues.  We had a high murder rate in Durham, and after each homicide we would have a vigil with the murder victim’s family.  But we encouraged the pastors who gathered to walk with this family rather than just pray and leave. One man shared how blessed he had felt because one of the ministers had come and helped him to rake his yard after his son had been murdered.  It’s not a sympathy card, or a prayer visit.  Those are nice.  But sometimes you just have to be willing to rake the yard with someone who has experienced trauma.

Kate and I heard a talk on radical humility this week from a nursing program who was sending the nursing students out to wash the feet of those who are houseless in our community.  While you might think that it is mostly a medical job, they were careful to make it a time to simply listen to the houseless in the area and validate their humanity.   Just that piece of respect led to changes and helped those who are houseless to be better spirited, which is all we are called to do – encourage, support, and be present.

Think of the radical humility that Jesus showed on that road to Emmaus.  He could have shown his hands, said, “It’s me!,” told them they were wrong, become indignant that they doubted his sanctity or divinity — but instead Jesus tarried with them.  Can we be that patient with others? Can I?  It’s something to live into, but it is a high mark to let go of ego and just be with other people, accepting a place of service and support.

Think too that the two people on the road to Emmaus needed that time to process what had happened.  If Jesus had hurried them through it to serve his own purpose, they would not be able to heal as well as when he provided this presence while walking on the road.  I’m sure seeing or hearing about your leader being murdered by slow crucifixion was excruciatingly painful to their souls and created a lot of moral injury for all involved.  We have this scripture on the two people from Emmaus and their story, but imagine Jesus walking with thousands of people who had witnessed his trial and execution trying to bring healing to the world after such a horrific crucifixion scene. We all have that inward Christ walking with us in this life no matter how much faith we lack or how traumatized we are.   That is the same inward Christ we are requested to be to others, letting our lives preach, not of judgement or educational acuity, but of compassion and peace.  We have to be willing to be the peace we want to see in this world and in this moment.

Queries:  Can you be authentically peaceful and present and if not, what needs to change?  How can we help?

Can we be patient journey companions while people process their traumas, try to get their spiritual questions answered or become satisfied with the Great Mystery?

Can you walk the second mile, like Jesus did — not that he didn’t walk 7 miles with these two people.  Scripture says he did.  But when they came to the end of their journey he was going to keep walking on, and the two invited him to supper.  Jesus went to their house and accepted the food and blessed it — and then they realized who they had been in communion with the whole day.

Can you be inconvenienced for others sake?

Can you see the Christ that has been walking with you?


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